Context Menus

The context menus expose a range of functions. The context menu is opened by right clicking on the relevant item. The options displayed in the context menu will depend on the component that it selected.

Data Discovery Content Menu

The data discovery context menu is opened by right clicking on the data discovery visualization:

  • Caption Settings: go to the Caption Settings dialog.
  • Visual Options: set the scale mode, hide the legend, or turn off miniaturization.
  • Actions: open the Actions panel.
  • Cut: cut the selected content item.
  • Copy: copy the selected content item.
  • Paste: there are 2 methods of pasting an item:
    • Paste in Original Position: paste on the current page in the same position as the original instance that was cut or copied.
    • Paste at Cursor Position: paste on the current page at the current position of the cursor.
  • Delete: delete the selected content item.
  • Alignment: align the content item to the required position on the page .
  • Bring to Front: bring the content item forward or to the front.
  • Send to Back: send the content item backward or to the back.
  • Open in Discovery: open the data discovery in Discover.
  • Maintenance Mode: open the item in maintenance mode.
  • Go to Item Location: go to the item location in the Content Manager.

Text and Image Context Menu

Right click on the textbox or image to open its context menu:

  • Click Action: open the Jump Actions panel.
  • Set Tooltip: open the Tooltip Designer to create custom dynamic tooltips.
  • Cut: cut the selected content item.
  • Copy: copy the selected content item.
  • Paste: there are 2 methods of pasting an item:
    • Paste in Original Position: paste on the current page in the same position as the original instance that was cut or copied.
    • Paste at Cursor Position: paste on the current page at the current position of the cursor.
  • Delete: delete the selected content item.
  • Alignment: align the content item to the required position on the page .
  • Bring to Front: bring the content item forward or to the front.
  • Send to Back: send the content item backward or to the back.
  • Open in Illustrate: open the text in Illustrate.
  • Make an Illustration Shareable: if the item hasn't been saved to the content manager, you can do so by making it shareable.
  • Go to Item Location: if the item has been saved to the content manager, you'll be able to go to it's location there.

Page Context Menu

Right click on the page background to open the page context menu:

  • Paste: there are 2 methods of pasting an item:
    • Paste in Original Position: paste on the current page in the same position as the original instance that was cut or copied.
    • Paste at Cursor Position: paste on the current page at the current position of the cursor.